May 24, 2010

University of Southampton, UK, LLM Students to participate in International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot Competition in Sydney, Australia

The University of Southampton, UK, announced that a team of LLM students will be representing the University´s School of Law in the 11th International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot Competition, to be held in Sydney, Australia.

The team consists of Socrates Ioannou, Archontoula Kalou, Aias Retsinas and Tughan Thuraisingam and oral arguments take place in July. Siddarth Ranka, also an LLM student, will be helping coach them for the moot.

The 2010 International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot Competition will be organised by Murdoch University School of Law and hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

The Moot Competition is a competition for law students, either undergraduate or postgraduate. Students from all countries are eligible and need not have received formal education in maritime law. The moot problem typically involves a commercial shipping dispute, which is to be determined by an arbitral panel according to the LMAA Terms, the MLAANZ terms or some other accepted set of arbitral rules. The problem is designed to incorporate difficult but practical issues of arbitration law as well as issues of substantive maritime law.

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