June 25, 2012

Source: ILF

Institute for Law and Finance, Germany, LLM Class of 2012 supports Children Center

The Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) LLM Class of 2012 has taken initiative to support the state-sponsored organization known as Kita Frankfurt Kinderzentrum (Children Center) in the neighborhood of Gallus, Frankfurt am Main.

On June 23, 7 students from the ILF participated in the children’s summer party hosted by the Kita Frankfurt in Gallus. Konstantin Vassilev, Benno Kohler, Genevia Adisasmito, Diana Daza Vallejos, Yiqing Huang, Wenyu Qian and Liliana Quinche Serrano helped set up, decorate, serve food and play with the children at a large children’s party with over one hundred children ages 3-12.

In addition, an ongoing fundraiser is being conducted in order to raise scholarships for music lessons. The motto related to the fundraiser is "12 € pays for 1 month music school for 1 child". The music scholarships will be given to children whose parents not afford music lessons for their children. During the ILF 10th Anniversary Celebrations on 4 & 5 May 2012, the students successfully raised enough funds to send five children to music lessons for six months.

Since a number of years, the ILF has encouraged a "Student Class Project" that brings students closer together by providing opportunities for outside-the-classroom experiences while simultaneously generating social welfare through community service activities and fundraisers.

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